The American Way of Life (Part 20 of 28)

Part 20: of a 28-part series “Those who do work are denied a fair return for their labor by a tax system.” This was in 1981, Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address. And this is coming out of the Carter administration. Some of you may not remember that. Some of you may not have been born […]

The American Way of Life (Part 13 of 28)

Part 13: of a 28-part series But things began to change. Today, the American economy boasts a wide variety of enterprises. With prosperity came the ability to raise capital for small business, ranging from one person (sole proprietorships) to some of the world’s largest corporations. In 1995 there were 16.4 million non-farm sole proprietorships, 1.6 […]

The American Way of Life (Part 14 of 28)

Part 14: of a 28-part series So, small businesses are a continuing source of dynamism for the American economy. They produced three-fourths of the economy’s new jobs between 1990 and 1995. So we can see how important the small business is. Again, individual enterprise is not capitalism. It’s not corporate profits that we’re looking for, […]

The American Way of Life (Part 15 of 28)

Part 15: of a 28-part series The next idea (is that) we are demonstrating to the world the positive alternative to despotism. In history, you could divide all government into two kinds: either despotic government, or self-government. There’s only two. At the formation of our government, said Jefferson: “Many have formed their political opinions on European writings […]

The American Way of Life (Part 16 of 28)

Part 16: of a 28-part series Now, this way of living is American, and it’s new to history. It’s a people living in self-government, managing their own lives, thinking for themselves – what a phenomenon! People are actually making decisions for themselves, not needing a father, a paternal government, to tell them how to be, […]

The American Way of Life (Part 9 of 28)

Part 9: of a 28-part series Now, in 1776 the world was more imperfect than it is today. Do you understand? This idea has diffused to 350 million in this country. There were only 3 million then. We have grown in this idea for 200 years.  It’s a new idea to earth, and it’s being […]

The American Way of Life (Part 10 of 28)

Part 10: of a 28-part series Next idea – “we’re a united people pledged to maintaining a political system that guarantees individual liberty to a greater degree than any other”. (That was [said in] 1981.) Time enough has passed from 1776 to 1787 to 1981– the anniversary of our Constitution. And we can look back […]

The American Way of Life (Part 11 of 28)

Part 11: of a 28-part series Absolutely we’re the richest nation, because of individual enterprise — not because of the nasty corporations. They make up only 20% of our economy. The reason [for this] statistically is that middle-class workers [are] hired by small businesses and work for small enterprise – it’s simply a family trying […]

The American Way of Life (Part 12 of 28)

Part 12: of a 28-part series Now I’ll say it again: America is not a capitalist nation. Now, you need capital to start, but America is built on individual enterprise. She’s entrepreneurial, not capitalistic. Capitalistic is European, but it is not attributed to be applied to America. Entrepreneurship has taken many forms, from the self-employed […]

The American Way of Life (Part 5 of 28)

Part 5: of a 28-part series This is what distinguishes the American from all other countries – historically and traditionally. It’s how we live. It’s what we do, and what we’re striving to accomplish. We’re maturing as a people, as imperfect as we are, acknowledging that we need to progress. We are in fact a […]